I have been using Android phones since about 2010 and for the most part of it I have had location history enabled. If you enjoy data like I do then you may agree that this service is pretty awesome because Google let's you download a copy of the data it collects from you using Google Takeout . I recently downloaded a copy of the places I have visited and got to analyzing. My data set for the period consists of approximately 985 000 records starting from 2012-02-19. I wanted to try the out the folium plotting library which combines the data analysis strength of Python and the mapping prowess of Leaflets.js however rendering all the records on a single map proved problematic on my machine. Therefore in order to reduce the data set I used k means to assign each point to 1 of 100 clusters. After reducing the data set I then proceeded to use mean longitude and latitude per cluster as a proxy for my location history . This reduced data renders instantly and it is interactive which is ...